First Voices Journal

Your Questions Answered

Are you Mormons or related to Mormonism?

No, we are neither Mormons of Salt Lake City nor affiliated with Mormonism.  What confuses some readers of our website is the name of our church sponsor (The Church of Jesus Christ).  However, our headquarters is in Monongahela, Pennsylvania.  Our historical roots are similar to the Salt Lake City group, but diverged or separated during the 1850’s over a number of doctrines. Our faith and doctrine is clearly articulated on our home page ( 

One of the deepest differences is our belief regarding Israel and Native Americans, and the coming of an American Indian Moses (scripturally called the Choice Seer). What’s interesting is that the Book of Mormon (often called the Ancient American Indian Record) speaks of this Seer, which we believe will be a Native American and will be coming in the near future, whereas the Salt Lake City group believes it already happened.